Traveling light.

“I travel light.” That is a line spoken by John Wayne in the film In Harm’s Way.

It is an idea I adopted a long time ago. Just an idea. I have not applied it across the board in my life. Yet, I want to travel light in all areas.

When it comes to going on a plane trip or to the river bank, I generally take bare basics and one or two frills. My purse could be, and sometimes is, very tiny.

I pack a small bag to go away usually. One exception is a trip he and I take to a cattle sale.  I tend to pack a lot of clothes because there is no time to wash and sometimes a need for two or three outfits a day.  An auction barn can be a pretty grubby place.

There are some additional areas in which I would like to reduce my baggage. I have a book bag.  It contains a zipper bag of pens, sticky notes, markers, paper clips, etc.  I stuff my bag with a journal, a tablet, another book or two, an envelope of odd papers and bills.  Even when I know good and well I won’t have time to even look at this stuff, I feel lost without having it along to some places.  As if something will happen and I won’t have the things I need to keep my head straight.  I want to feel more confidence in my memory.

Another item is morning coffee. I always take a cup in the car on the way.  I’ve already had a pot before I leave.  I usually only drink a sip or two on the ride.  Then, I have a travel cup of cold coffee to haul out of the car.  Extra baggage from habit.

My clothes closet truly is extra baggage. Clothes I don’t wear for a myriad of reasons. I have read about the 333 project.  Thirty three articles of clothing for three months.  Interesting reading.  Not going to happen with me.  At least not yet.  I have read about French women’s style.  Allegedly, they have a few white shirts and dark pants and a pair or two of shoes to achieve their legendary style.  More interesting reading.  I can’t pay attention long enough to put that kind of closet together.

When I look around my home and life, I don’t have as much as many Americans. I have tons more than most of world’s households.   As I get my mind ready for a plane trip, I will need to pick out what will go in a small backpack and a medium size purse.  Five nights, four days.

I want to travel light. Moments like this make me think about the baggage I carry.  What about the baggage in my heart?  Thankfully, the load seems lighter each year.  Learning to let go of the things that need to go. Learning to let be the things that need to be.  Letting it go and letting it hurt.  Letting loose and letting love flow through.

As I look back over this raveled thread of thoughts, one common thing emerges. Baggage comes in many forms.  A coffee cup, a heavy suitcase, cluttered closets, a burdened heart.  My theory is that all these areas overlap as layers.  When the layers are peeled back, truth is revealed.  What is the truth of my life?
